Opulent Mobility: Re-Imagine Disability and Mobility
In Collaboration with the Students of Glendale Unified School District
On view April 26 – June 21, 2025
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 26, 2025, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Opulent Mobility, curated by founder A. Laura Brody and Anthony Tusler, tells stories that humanize, uplift, and celebrate disabled artists and disability art. This counters the far too common and dangerous perspective that dismisses the value of disabled lives. We are living in an increasingly ableist environment that is willing to let elderly and disabled people disappear in the name of economy and convenience. It is more crucial than ever to share art and stories that offer an opportunity for others to understand and appreciate disability culture and the challenges that disabled populations face. The exhibition is meant to share these artworks, support the disability community, and educate and illuminate non-disabled audiences. It is for people with disabilities to see themselves portrayed by artists with similar life experiences and for people without disabilities to better understand their disabled friends, family members, neighbors, and co-workers.
Opulent Mobility will partner with seniors at Glendale Unified School District (GUSD) to present works addressing the themes present in Opulent Mobility. This format will allow GUSD students to exhibit alongside professional working artists in the gallery. The exhibition offers a unique chance for the students to share their work professionally, begin to build a portfolio for college applications, and to learn from established artists. ​
More information coming soon.
Image: Larissa Nickel, Human Limb Object /Architech Me, Still, 2014
Learn about our current exhibition, PERSERVERANCE: 20 Years of Thinkspace.